Saturday Midday

Turns out that actually participating in the jam makes it really difficult to find time for posting stuff! Here's a quick update:

It's now the middle of day 1 and the Biscuits are firing on all cylinders. Most of us went home and got some sleep... except for Marshall. He doesn't sleep, and his existence is pain.

The game concept itself is coming into focus. What we know now: this is a two-player local co-op game. You play as monsters that can "transmit" smaller creatures to one another by shoving them into your magic mouth holes. These monsters serve a dark god that wants to devour these creatures... but is a finicky eater.

We're laying down some foundational systems and code...

Building monsters...

And creatures...

And the level...

and further defining how our core systems will work....

Now we're off to grab some noodles so we can get back to work!

Get No Monster No Slave

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